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Writer's pictureKatie Alvers

Understanding the Importance of Service Accreditation for Locum Pharmacists: A Guide for Pharmaseekers' Locums

At Pharmaseekers, we like to assist our locums with maximising their booking potential.

We do our best to ensure our locums are aware of any opportunites they can use to expand the number of vacancies they're elibigle to book.

A great opportunity for a locum pharmacist to maximise booking potential is to ensure they are accredited for the most popular Advanced and Essential services.

With Community Pharmacy facing large scale financial distress, all pharmacy businesses are looking to prioritise locums who are accredited to provide services. The delivery of services is a vital source of funding for community pharmacies. So, it's only natural that when a pharmacy owner needs a locum, they will want an individual who is accredited and willing to deliver services and therefore help them secure more of this funding.

When a customer is reviewing a booking offer, our system shows them if you are accredited to deliver the services their branch provides. A customer may opt to reject an offer if a locum appears to not be accredited for a service they deem essential in their branch. So it's important that you do upload your accreditation evidence.

With a Pharmaseekers account, you are provided with dedicated spaces to upload your service accreditations. You are also provided with guidance on what evidence of accreditation we are asking you to supply.

The training and learning associated with service accreditation can also provide you with helpful material for completing elements of your Revalidation.

Community Pharmacy England provide lots of great resources regarding services being delivered within Community Pharmacy.

As part of our registration process , it is essential that you declare that you are accredited for certain services. However, there are further services in addition to these which are in demand from our customers and therefore we recommend any locum should seek to become accredited where possible:

Additionally, completing and uploading Declarations of Competence (DoC) is another way you can demonstrate accreditations for some locally comissioned services. Again, on your Pharmaseekers account, you have a dedicated space to upload completed Declarations of Competence. We will even send you a reminder to renew them as they come up to their expiry date!

As always, we're always keen to engage with our locums and discuss and queries or concerns they may have. If you have any questions regarding services as a locum, please get in touch with us today.

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