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Request Account Deletion

We'll be really sad to see you leave.

If you have any concerns you think we might be able to help you with before you leave us, please get in touch.

You can find a form below to complete and submit to request account deletion.

Please use the Account Deletion Form to submit your request for Pharmaseekers to delete your account. 


Once actioned, all data we retain relating to you and your account will be deleted within 24 hours, this includes:

  • Location data

  • Personal details

  • Files and docs

  • App activity

  • App info and performance 

  • Device IDS 


However we must retain the following information:

  • Your Name (Retention period: Indefinitely)

  • Basic details of any bookings you have completed with Pharmaseekers (Retention period: Indefinitely)

  • Messages, including emails, SMS and WhatsApp (Retention period: 3 months following account deletion)

Account Deletion Form

We're sorry to see you go!
Your request has been sent to Pharmaseekers. We will email you on your specified correspondence email address when your account has been successfully deleted.
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